Wednesday, June 18, 2014

H is for Hand-Me-Downs!

Emily’s older cousins just cleaned out their closets and passed 6 garbage bags of clothing down to her. What a blessing!

She picked out what she wanted to keep; we passed the rest to our church rummage sale, and her drawers are now stuffed! (And I even found a few treasures for myself.)

What a blessing!



blogging through the alphabet sm.


  1. That is great! We love getting hand me downs here.

  2. I love hand-me-downs! My littlest has been about 75% dressed from them. About 20% yardsale and a measly 5% new!!

  3. hand me overs/downs are excellent. Great ways to try out new styles you may not have thought of before as well. :)

    Annette @ A net in Time (


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