Wow! After reading some reviews of The Brinkman Adventures last year, I knew that the series was popular with families. But I didn’t know just how much we would enjoy these stories. The Brinkman Adventures are audio dramas that tell the stories of current day missionaries through the eyes and experiences of the Brinkman Family. We have just finished listening to
The Brinkman Adventures: Season 3. (Although we hadn’t heard seasons 1 and 2, we were able to jump right in, since each season stands well on its own.)
![IMG_20151104_1227216_rewind[1] IMG_20151104_1227216_rewind[1]](http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-FLe7RoV8IIA/VjpPZpdudTI/AAAAAAAAI-I/rWeKuG6Vl2c/IMG_20151104_1227216_rewind%25255B1%25255D_thumb%25255B11%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800)
The Brinkman Adventures: Season 3 includes over five hours of audio on 4 cd’s (a download option is also available). There are twelve separate episodes; some stand alone and others are longer stories broken into multiple parts. Each episode either features a story about the fictional Brinkman family or the people in their community or is in the form of a story being told by or about a missionary about their exciting adventures and the miracles they have encountered. All of the stories are based on real people and real occurrences, although many of the names have been changed for the safety and privacy of those involved. One story tells about a young man who is called to leave his high-powered business track in college to serve God. After being disowned by his family for his decision, he serves as a missionary in several countries that are hostile to Christianity. It was riveting to hear the accounts of him smuggling in thousands of illegal Bibles and never getting caught. Typically, the custom agents would skip checking his luggage, or would even see the Bibles and pass him on through..
Another story tells about a friend of the Brinkmans who overcomes her extreme shyness to become the leader of a group packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, eventually becoming a national spokesperson for the organization. Other stories teach about Bible translation around the world, beekeeping, and relate the exciting accounts of arctic rescues.

The Brinkman Adventures website has additional information about the people and stories for those who want to find out more. We really enjoyed hearing “the rest of the story,” complete with photos here!
These audio dramas are very high quality productions that are enjoyable for all ages.The dramas feature good acting and audio side effects. They are also easy to listen to and understand. We’ve listened to some audio dramas that are harder to follow simply because of the characters’ accents and other (non-conversational) audio. I’m definitely a visual learner, so it’s sometimes harder for me to follow recorded stories and I appreciated how enjoyable these were.
Every time we got in the car, my 15-year old made sure that the CD was in and playing! As an adult, I enjoyed them also, but think that even young children would enjoy the stories. It’s nice to find products that will appeal to the whole family!
FREE! If you sign up for the Brinkman Adventures newsletter, you can download three free episodes. Your family might love them as much as we do!
Each season of the Brinkman Adventures is $27.99 for the CD set and $17.99 for the MP3 album.
Connect with Brinkman Adventures on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brinkman-Adventures-152895116079/

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